From the start till the end of time❤️🧔🏻
A father is called a hero without a cape for a reason. Not to forget it is always said that a father is the one who is supposed to fulfill the needs of a child, almost like an unsaid understanding again an addition of the “society” over the years. He never complains and as soon as he knows he’s going to become a father, pulls up his socks and imagines the coming 25 years of his child. Standing tall through their biggest achievement to their lowest point, even sacrifices his own needs and wants to a point that sometimes he actually forgets his own needs and his child’s needs become his own. Nobody knows of the sleepless nights, stress and pressure that he must be going through because he has been told that he can’t be weak. It takes so much to put up a brave face after all right? I’m so glad as the generation we’re in and the generation to come, we will be the society, norms will be different, the world will probably be a better place and the stereotype will be broken!❤️
My relationship with my dad is pretty interesting like everybody else, except I’ve a little more liberty here and there in terms of talking. Most people say ‘If I ever spoke to my parents like that they’d kick me out!’ and that spoilt brat look on their face is thrown at me. My parents have always given me the liberty to talk and sometime also get in a fight with them from a very young age because hey knew from the start, their production was going to be a handful lol!😂 I’ve seen my father look at me the in same exact way since my childhood and it has not changed at all! It’s almost like he sees my entire journey when he looks at me!

I’ve very clear memory of my childhood. I was I think 2 or 3 years old. Whenever he used to drive home from work, he used to call my mum downstairs, take me in his arms and hold my hand on the steering wheel so we could park the car together. He used to give me a bath when I was little, hold me and cuddle me to sleep at night. He was always enthusiastic when I had to dress up because he loved to buy things for me with my mum, they both loved to get me everything.🥰 He used to take me to McDonalds every Sunday for many many years so that I could have my Sunday dinner and then we’d go else where so my parents could eat. Damn, he was the one who first encouraged me to eat a burger and not just French fries. I remember crying so much because he didn’t let me eat French fries first and I know he must’ve hated it but he didn’t give up! He was the man who from a very very young age taught me to sit properly when at a restaurant, have a napkin on my lap and eat with my own hands.😎 Now, when I cook delicacies for him, he’s always looking forward. There are days when he’ll call me from office and if I’m home, he’ll ask me to make something.😋
I remember, as a child I was very scared of water and swimming was the worst nightmare of my life. They signed me up for swimming training and my heart used to beat faster than ever because I was scared. Now this may sound so absurd but every Sunday my entire family used to come to see me and it was the diving day and I could never kick properly man. Even with the float on, I used to be scared as hell. And my family was extremely adamant that I learn swimming. So every time I was on the diving board, I used to scream, shout, cry for help but I always heard him say, ‘Cmon babu, darwanu nai, kai nai thay. Papa che ne, kai thava de tane evi rite? Tare khali jump karine kick karine upar aavanu che. Jaraay darvaanu nai maru chokru” (C’mon Jheel, don’t be scared, nothing is going to happen. Dad’s right here, do you think he’d let anything happen to you? You just have to jump and then kick yourself back up on the surface. Don’t be scared my child). I used to and still actually hate medicines, doctors and injections and I’m scared. He still holds me tight and closes my eyes when I’m getting a blood test done. There’s also role reversal now. He has diabetes and his medicines are something that are a major cause of our arguments. He doesn’t take them and I have to run behind him. Sometimes, when I feel sorry for him, I cook him food that includes either bread or cheese because that’s his absolute favourite!🥰
In our house, eating fruits is one thing that we’ve all enjoyed and although now I can do it but he still offers to peel those vegetables or cut them for me! He’s my popcorn partner although he hates it when I eat super late in the night! He has always showered love and affection on me like he is the only man blessed with a daughter in this world!

My mum says we’re very similar when it comes to facial expressions and habits! Whenever we’re travelling, dad and I like to rest first and have a relaxed routine throughout the trip and we’ve managed to piss off my mum because of that. Talking about travelling, as a child, my parents have taken me to many many many hill stations and clicked a million pictures. Now those trips are replaced with foreign trips and pictures, well they continue in millions! Their child has been a big time poser since her childhood😂 He’s gone from pushing the swing for me, having me in dashing car with him, to now actually trying to encourage me to learn driving.😌 She also says that when I was born he just kept staring at me because he was too scared to hold me but when he did, he couldn’t stop❤️
Even today, as I’ve become a young woman, he says that I don’t have to be scared. A few days back when I was in a full stress and panic situation in my head about jobs not being available, he asked me to do an e-commerce sort of thing for him. I told him I don’t have his brains and it could doom and I didn’t want to ruin it for him and he said he was there to guide me no matter what. He’s okay with me being his little girl. He shows confidence in me and that is something that I need even today.👨👧
Since my childhood till today, he loves to get a foot massage from me. It’s almost like an everyday ritual in our house, the bonding hour. Even today in the morning he will have his hand run through my hair and kiss my forehead. Sometimes he doesn’t and it really gets on my nerves. In fact, as a child whenever I was home, before going to work, he used to kiss both my hands, my forehead, my cheeks and that was our have a good day ritual! It’s now replaced with too many sentences and jokes whether he’s going or vice versa! lol!😛
But, since my childhood days I’ve been scared of him because after all the pampering, he was a strict father about most of the things. Even when I was growing up, I didn’t share much with him. Even today he’s strict about a few things, although not everything, but a few things for sure. As a child, I had this crazy habit of watching TV all day and he used to get very angry with me because I used to stuff myself almost inside the TV while watching. So every time, I heard his cars lock sound from my window, I used to switch off the TV and run inside to study. And sometimes if he had to shout at me in front of my friends or relatives back in the days, he wasn’t worried. He would do it loud and clear! I hated it and today he knows he was wrong to do that to me! He often asks me why I don’t share things with him but the truth is that I get scared of him as sometimes he just gives me a look or shouts when I say something. It’s just frightening. He says its not true but it seriously is! I still remember we went to Goa once and he my mum were paragliding and I was on the beach and I suddenly wanted my flip-flops so I started walking and I didn’t even realise how ahead I’d gone. While paragliding my parents saw me, they immediately came down running behind me. They kept calling out to me but I couldn’t hear them. He then ran at full speed, caught me and yelled at me at the top o his voice. I mean that was dumb of me so that’s justified! Also, the very first time he found out I was a writer, he was furious for not telling him, for keeping it a secret! He was shocked but upset because he got to know from outside.🙈

Today, sometime our opinions match and sometimes they don’t and we end up arguing a little loudly. He doesn’t say anything till the point I’ve crossed my line. That’s the thing, I’ve been given the privilege to be loud when I’ve wanted to. It makes me happy that I don’t always have to be keeping my volume down. I’ve been told my dad and aunt didn’t have the liberty so I’m thankful. He even dances with me to silly songs sometimes and makes me laugh till my stomach hurts. When he knows his actions or words have hurt me, he never speak to me when I’m awake because he knows I’ll look him in the eye an the won’t be able to talk. He chooses to speak with me when I’m in my deepest sleep. He’ll say sorry and ask me how could I wish ill upon myself for something and I end up saying sorry! I know I’m too dramatic that way!😂
We’ve had only very few fights that has stretched upto a week and man that week turns up as the most terrible week of my life!🥺 This particular fight we had once, I resolved it with him at 4 am. Despite everyone at home telling him don’t do this to her he wasn’t ready to listen. That was the first time it actually hit me that I can’t live without talking to him because when’s travelling he calls me at least 50. times in the whole day! Even when I’m out with my friends, he calls me to come home soon because he’s bored! He just doesn’t enjoy without me. Even when they’re all out and I’m alone at home, he calls me every now and then to check up on me! As an adult, I vale that and cherish that! I think I’m too lucky.💕 Sometimes he has a terrible timing because he calls me when I’m in an intense situation and I don’t need to be called and there he is, flashing on my screen! It’s absurd but it cracks me up😂
I don’t know about other Father’s but mine’s extremely possessive about me. H gets uncomfortable when anyone talks about my wedding or kids. He has a very straight poker face. He gets too uncomfortable. He says he doesn’t want me to go just yet till a few more years r maybe not get married at all and stay with him and mum forever. I know a lot of you may say he’s just saying it but he means it. He thinks I’m very naive and still little so he’s always scared and protective. They say it out loud that they will never be ready to share me with anyone. He gets uncomfortable even when I praise my guy friends too much. He literally makes a poker face and it is annoying!😐
He has. been there with me through my biggest and maybe worst mistakes to every annual day (he’s not missed a single one), functions or anything. He’s always buying me my favourite gadgets and although they are expensive, he never says anything. Sometimes he tries to sweet talk me out of it but on most days it just doesn’t work😛 This year on my birthday he couldn’t give me a gift. Not like its a ritual but he felt terrible about it. He wasn’t happy and because businesses have suffered I told him if he just gave me gummy bears it would suffice. He finds it a little hard to believe so I told him I accept late birthday gifts jokingly.

But one thing that he has realised now is that his daughter is very smart, understanding and has a heart of gold just like he wanted er to have! He sometimes sits with me and talks and it makes me feel like he must’ve waited for this day so badly when he could sit with his grown up daughter and talk to her. We’ve gone from pushing swings for me to walking side by side, him shouting at me for medicines to now me yelling for any problem in his reports, him visiting my doctor with me to vice versa, from me greeting him goodbye to now him doing since I leave early for college and what not. He kept up with me when I was scared go horses to one fine day demanding we buy a horse that I could ride to school and back home🤦🏻♀️😂❤️
You guys see, every father is different. He takes up roles and turns his entire life around his child. Some are super soft and chill, some are strict as hell and some are both. They treat you as per the situation but most important of all loves you unconditionally. They are not always wrong but not always right either but will fight with the world to protect you! Every father is special! From me, to all you fathers of the world here’s wishing you one man armies a very Happy Father’s Day!❤️ We hope we as children can pamper you in the future just like you pampered us when we were kids!❤️
Share your incidents with your father in the comments below and if you have some article you’d like to post, send it to us on [email protected]! Thank you!